My Deck

Steel Frame Decks: Are They Better Than Wood?

If you are looking for aesthetic beauty and durability for your new deck, then steel deck framing will not only give you superior flexibility in design but will also offer durability and strength that wood deck frames cannot compete with. We are proud to work with Fortress Evolution steel framing as a Preferred Platinum Tier partner. MyDeck is an award-winning Deck Company that has been designing and building the highest quality decks for over 35 years!

Let’s discuss the benefits of steel frames vs wood

Decking Boards Won’t Outlast Frame

You don’t have to worry about replacing your deck framing when your decking and railing are still going strong. With steel deck framing, your substructure will hold up as long as your decking boards. When you put durable, weather-resistant, rot-resistant composite decking boards on a pressure-treated wood frame your decking will outlast your frame. Wood framing will also warp, twist and bow as it dries out. You will see every imperfection. You will never have to worry about that with steel framing it will always remain flat and stable.

25 Year Warranty

This gives you peace of mind that you won’t be financially liable for any defects or issues with your steel framing. The warranty with a Fortress Evolution steel deck framing is twenty-five years (limited manufacturer warranty).

Price Difference between Steel Deck Framing and Pressure-Treated Deck Framing?

The price of a deck frame varies significantly based on the specifications of the project, one should expect roughly a 30 to 50% price difference between steel and pressure-treated wood. (In that scenario, steel is the more expensive material.) However, with the high cost of pressure-treated wood, steel deck framing and pressure-treated lumber have never been closer in price.

Pressure-treated wood is still a more economical up-front choice, but there are considerations over the life of the product. This includes maintenance, repair, and replacement costs. It’s easy to imagine steel would come out about the same (or even less expensive) after several decades of use.

Steel is a Sustainable Choice

Steel is recycled and recyclable, making it more sustainable than wood. Steel contains no added chemicals. Unlike wood framing, there is no need to soak steel in fungicide and insecticides. It is also a non-combustible material, resistant to fire and invulnerable to rotting, warping, splitting, and pesky insect damage.

Builds Flat and Stays Flat | Faster Build Time, Fewer Beams, Posts, & Piers

A steel frame is much more likely to stay level—even after years and years of use. A fortress steel framing system goes together faster than pressure-treated wood. This saves you on labor costs and overall project time. Steel deck framing allows for the use of fewer support posts, beams, and piers. With up to sixteen-foot spans, that means more unobstructed views. It also means fewer materials to purchase and less time and expense related to your deck installation.

Tailored to the Custom Industry

Interested in a custom deck project? Then steel is your deck framing solution. You’ll have more design freedom with a steel deck frame—both in terms of spans and compatible decking material. Steel deck framing creates a highly even, level surface. This allows for the use of tile or porcelain pavers as your decking material. (This is achievable without the time-consuming and costly planning process.) Tile and wood frames are nearly incompatible because of how difficult it is to get the surface flat and even. If you want choices in your decking surface, a steel substructure can offer you that flexibility.

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